Logitech G230 Review of the Wired Gaming Headset

The Logitech G230 is the cheapest gaming headset of logitech.logitech g headset g230
In my opinion it is the small version of the g35 and the g930.
All these three are really similar. I used this product for 5 weeks to
find out the biggest weaknesses and strengths.
And here will you find my detailed review of the logitech headset.

Technical Details of the Logitech G230

  • Overear Headphone
  • Cable lenght: 3m
  • black and red color
  • On-Cable Sound Control
  • 2 x 3.5mm jacks for microphone (red) and sound (green)

I searched in the internet for best buy logitech g230 and found the best price on amazon for
$38,99. I unboxed the headset and put the 3,5mm jacks into my desktop pc.
My desktop pc works with the OS Windows 10. The headset worked instantly.
The headphone have pads around the ears and on the binder for a comfortable wearing.
Also the headset press around the ears for a good fit. The pads also have a positive effect.
It dull the environmental noise and creates a good bass. Buttons are not at the headset itself.
You can change the lenght of the binder and pull out the extension.
The buttons are at the cable. Here can you mute the microphone and with a gear you can control the
volume of the headset. The cable have a lenghts of 3 meter and is red. It is small and it seems really frail.
I only tested the headphone for 5 weeks but I had the whole time a bad feeling with the cable.
The headset is compatible with every 3,5mm jack in a PC, Smartphone, Tablet or any other device.

Sound Quality and Microphone Quality

The G-Series of Logitech is generally bass boosted and is made for gaming sounds like explosions, crashes and other action features. It is possible to change the equalizer via the software for the G-Series or via the OS equalizer, but you can't cut the bass boosted feature completely out. The sound is apart from that really clear and come from 2 speakers.
The microphone is a 10cm bendable plastic part. I think its the some one which is in use in the g35 or g930.
The only difference to the other two is, if you turn up the microphone, it don't mute automatically.

Advantages of the Gaming Headset:

The logitech g230 comes with a nice design and a comfortable fit like the big brothers of it (G930 and G420).
You can control the volume and the mic on/off on the on-cable control. The sound quality is logitech gaming standard:
a bass boosted sound and not for everybody an advantage. You can turn the the earcups to 90° to make it portable.
Another advantage of the Headset is the light weight. Its much leighter than for example wireless headsets like the g930.
The Advantages in short:

  • comfortable fit
  • good sound quality
  • good microphone quality
  • light weight
  • easy-to-transport
  • nice design
  • high quality material

Disadvantages of the Logitech G230:

All headsets have the same problems. The heat generation.
In the winter this problem is less critcal than in the summer.
In the summer after 15min you cant keep the headset on the ears because it gets so hot.
The second advantage of this headphone is the cable. In my opinion it is easy to damage the cable.The second coating is missing.
The Disadvantages in short:

  • heat generation
  • cable is easy to brake
  • only 2 speakers


The Logitech G230 is the small brother of the G930.
The biggest difference between these two are the wireless reason and the 7.1 system in the
G930 vs the 2.1 system in the G230. The Logitech G230 is for people which don't need a wirelessheadset. The headset only have two speaker and in this way it only have stereo. If you want to use
the headset only for games like minecraft or strategy games where you don't need fast movings and for hearing
music this headset is perfect for you. And it have a big advantage cause is only have 2 speakers and no batteries.
It's much lighter than the G930. But if you want to have a headset for shooters or multiplayer-shooters or compareable games
you should take a Dolby 7.1 Surround Sound headset like the G430(Wired), G35(Wired) , G930(Wireless), Razer Kraken (Wired)
or Razer Blackshark (Wired).
Find the Logitech G230 for the cheapest price!

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